The dense jungle in Guerra Hills creates an ideal environment if you love long-distance battles. In this article, we’ll explore some areas of this map and provide strategic insights to help you dominate battles each time you end up here.

The buildings here can be used for snipping, while the rocky shoreline offers opportunities for flanking.
Controlling the high grounds in this area gives you a significant advantage in monitoring your enemy’s movements.
Also, note that zip lines are almost everywhere and can be used to quickly navigate between buildings or to other sides of the map.

This area showcases the densely packed urban village. Prepare for those close-quarters combat here. Watch for dropped weapons from fallen hunters, and you can pick them up within 5 seconds to replenish your arsenal.

The jungle outskirts offer a change of pace from the urban environments. This area provides opportunities for stealth and flanking plots. Use paths like this to navigate the undetected area and set up ambushes.

This open area where you find this crashed plane is a sniper’s dream come true, with plenty of room for long-range combat using rifles and other high-powered weapons.
But watch your step – there’s a river around that cuts right through the area, and any wrong move could send you straight to a watery grave. The river’s strong currents can carry you straight to the ocean, and there’s no coming back once that happens. So be careful!
Your best bet? Use the scattered structures as cover, and watch for zip lines that quickly whisk you away to safety (or straight into the heart of the action).
In conclusion
To succeed on the Guerra Hills map, you must think fast and be agile. Each area requires a different approach, so be prepared to switch up your playstyle and loadout accordingly.
If you want to try out this map, download the game and join a clan to participate in a private, scheduled session.