The Sierra Altos map is a captivating coastal village nestled amid majestic mountains. It’s a visually striking environment with diverse features that demand calculated decision-making from hunters.
Key Areas and Tactics…

This area features narrow corners and small plazas surrounded by traditional houses.
The stone structures provide concealment options — perfect for close-range battles. Use the scattered crates and barrels for additional cover points whenever you get here.

If you look closely, you’ll see it’s steep and has a few stone buildings nestled against cliffs. Always stay down when you can, and use grenades to flush out enemies before you move into spaces.

The central plaza is a large, open area surrounded by multi-story buildings. The statue in the center serves as a focal point and can be used for cover during intense battles. The plaza’s multiple entry points make it a high-traffic area, perfect for setting up ambushes.

This coastal area features ancient stone structures, allowing you to play vertically and have surprise attacks.
This map’s vertical layout has steep cliffs that require hunters to master the art of positioning and be prepared to engage enemies from anywhere.
TLDR; Tips and tricks to master Sierra Altos:
- Watch for flanking routes and always check corners when navigating the tight alleyways and buildings.
- Coordinate with your team to control choke points and set up crossfires.
- Adapt your loadout to the specific area you’re fighting in.